UX/UI Design

Our UX/UI Design team ensures your new web experience is driving not only engagement, but actual commercial outcomes. We do this by crafting experiences that reduce pain points, increase efficiency and ultimately are geared toward a conversion result.

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Understanding the problem

We delve into both business and user challenges through stakeholder workshops, user research, interviews, and user testing. Our data-centric approach ensures a thorough analysis and synthesis of business and user pain points, allowing us to uncover key insights and address all needs.

Bringing the experience to life

Our structured approach to information architecture ensures a seamless and intuitive user experience. We then bring the experience to life, meeting both business and user needs, by crafting detailed user flow maps, wireframes, and prototypes.

Test and learn

We believe in continuous improvement, utilising iterative testing, experimentation, and learning to refine and enhance your digital experience over time. Our process adapts to feedback, ensuring our solutions remain effective and user-centred.

Tools and partnerships.

Our process, underpinned by technology​.


Quantitative analysis

We’re a Sydney marketing agency with a point of difference. Introducing Gamma, our proprietary AI technology, which allows us to analyse big data sets in real time​.

Qualitative approach​

We work collaboratively with clients on an ongoing basis to extract insights relevant to their business challenges​.

Gamma is the dedicated innovation lab of G Squared, comprising of a select team of consultants and engineers who collaborate with clients to craft purpose-built AI tools.

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Featured insights from our team.

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